Volume 27 Issue 3 - July 1, 2022

Academic Freedom and Adventist Theology

Today, freedom of research, teaching, and science in general is mostly a constitutionally guaranteed fundamental right.

René Gehring

July 1, 2022


Ellen G. White and Mission Work in Cities

Many Adventists often quote “Out of the cities, out of the cities!” as though it were Ellen White’s definitive statement on urban ministry.

D. J. B. Trim and A. L. Chism

July 1, 2022


Is Babylon the Papacy?

The biblical evidence very strongly indicates that spiritual Babylon is much larger and more extensive historically than the papacy.

Edwin E. Reynolds

July 1, 2022


Is There a Delay?

All through Scripture, fulfillment of divine promises involves waiting.

Jo Ann Davidson

July 1, 2022